Historical Paper Bibliography

Fantham, Elaine, Helene Foley, Natalie Kampen, Sarah Pomeroy, 

          and H. Shapiro. Women in the Classical World. New  

          York: Oxford University Press, 1994.


Golden, Mark. Children and Childhood in Classical Athens.

          Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990.


Humphreys, Sally. The Family, Women and Death Comparative  

          Studies. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983.


Just, Roger. Women in Athenian Law and Life. London:

          Routledge, 1989.


Pomeroy, Sarah. Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves. New  

          York: Schocken Books, 1975.


                              Literature Paper Bibliography

Arthur, Marylin. “From Medusa to Cleopatra: Women in the 
          Ancient World.” Becoming
Visible: Women in European
          History. Ed. Renate Bridenthal, Claudia Koonz, and
          Mosher Stuard. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987. 79-96.

Bolen, Jean Shinoda. Goddesses in Everywoman. San Francisco:
          Harper & Row, 1971.

Euripides. Medea. Newburyport: Focus, 1998.

Hesiod. Hesiod’s Theogony. Ed. Richard Caldwell, Newburyport: 

Graves, Robert. Greek Myths. Garden City: Doubleday, 1981.

Lefkowitz, Mary. Women in Greek Myth. Baltimore: Johns
          Hopkins University Press,

                                                 Image Bibliography

"Ancient Greek Coins for Sale". Ancient Resource . May 06, 2009
"Ancient Greece". Fen Ditton Community Primary School. May 07, 2009
Anthony, Sandys. "File:Medea-Sandys.jpg". Wikimedia Commons. May 07, 2009
"Athena". Clipart.com. May 07, 2009 <http://www.clipart.com/en/close-up?
Cline, Austin. "Ancient Greek Mythology, Religion, Art". About.com. May 06, 2009
Cline, Austin. "Athena". About.com. May 07, 2009
Coates, Steve. "Keepers of the Faith ". The New York Times. May 07, 2009
 "File:Beaux-Arts Nancy Klagmann 50108.jpg". Wikimedia Commons. May 07, 2009
F. McManus, Barbara . "Index of Images, Part VI:". May 07, 2009
Gerwing, Robert. "Alessandro Botticelli (Florentine, 1444/5-1510) ". The University Art
          Gallery . May 08, 2009 <http://vrcoll.fa.pitt.edu/uag/Art-Anytime-Page/Lochoff-
Gill, N.S.. "Medea". About.com. May 07, 2009
N.S., Gill. "Velletri Pallas Bust of Athena". About.com. May 07, 2009
Johnson Lewis, Jone. "Aspasia of Ancient Athens". About.com. May 06, 2009
Joy, Eileen. "Literary Masterpieces: Ancient and Medieval". Siue. May 07, 2009
Marlowe, Michael. "Headcovering Customs of the Ancient World ". Bible Research. May 06,
"Medea Presenting the Household Gods to Jason". Auckland Art Gallery . May 08, 2009
"Medusa Head large plaque". Ancient Sculpture Gallery. May 08, 2009
Opsopaus, John . "XVII. Luna -Selene - Moon (17, 18) ". May 07, 2009
Pearson, Anne. "Ancient Greek Sewage". Kidipede. May 6, 2009
Pence-Brown, Amy. "Dress, Gender and the Menstrual Culture of Ancient Greece". May 06,
          2009 <http://www.mum.org/greekmen.htm>.
"The Asia Minor Shores of Aphrodite". Yahoo. May 06, 2009
 "The Greek goddess Athena". Travelocity. May 07, 2009
Weston Thomas, Pauline . "Ancient Greek Costume History". Fashion-Era.com. May 07,
"Worshiping Women: Ritual and Reality in Classical Athens". Astigan. May 07, 2009
                                              Poem Bibliography
Vandiver, Elizabeth. "Sappho's Hymn to Aphrodite". Materials for the Study of Women
          and Gender in the Ancient World . May 06, 2009 
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